Leadership Development — Remember the Children

We believe in the power of local leaders.


Equipping pastors to impact their churches and communities

The Church is God's vessel to bring hope to the world, therefore we are passionate about investing in the pastors of local churches in Romania. Our vision is to see these churches multiplied and filled with young people, who will carry the Gospel into their communities and circles of influence.  The main way we work toward our vision is by empowering and equipping pastors through mentorship, training, and equipping.


We invest in pastors through:

Personal Mentorship

Remember the Children mentors a network of pastors involved in new church work.  We walk alongside of them with encouragement, prayer, and counsel, to help them lead their churches and communities well.  These pastors have gone on to plant additional churches, create community outreach programs, and spread the gospel in their neighborhoods.  We are incredibly proud of the pastors we work with, and are excited to see how God moves through them in the future!




Church Planting

We want everyone to have access to a local church where they can worship with fellow believers and engage in Biblical community.  Therefore, we are passionate about planting churches in underserved communities, and teaching people how to plant a church in their neighborhood.  We have planted approximately ten churches in Romania, and have seen communities transformed through the power of church community.


Bible Study Curriculum Translation

We worked alongside of professionals to translate a Bible Study curriculum in the Romanian language.  This curriculum teaches the themes and content of Scripture.  Pastors are using this tool in their churches to inspire a love of Scripture within the Romanian people!



Leadership Training

Twice a year, we train and equip pastors through leadership conferences.  We teach church planting methods, discipleship tools, self care practices, and more.  Pastors receive the tools they need to lead their congregations and impact their communities.  

Leadership Seminars

We regularly hold seminars for community members in Romania and in support of other RTC church planting efforts. We cover topics such as marriage, leadership, parenting, and relationship building. All are based off Biblical principles and are taught by trusted leaders.

”Thanks to RTC, I’ve had the opportunity to attend conferences to help me know how to breaking barriers, build bridges, and equip me to better serve and lead my church. We grow stronger for the Kingdom when we learn to grow together.”
– Marius Ban, Romanian pastor

Praxis Conference 2024

Praxis Conference 2024

Leadership development is made possible by our donors.  Become one today!

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