Christmas Greetings from Romania

By Natalie Barentson

Our longtime ministry partners, Ionel and Anca Bodog, want to wish you a Merry Christmas from Romania.  Ionel is our faithful mission team driver and is coordinating Christmas Hope in Andy Baker's absence.  Anca has served as a translator, and her mother has cooked for our teams for almost 20 years.  The Bodog's have also raised many orphaned children through one of our partner organizations.  We are so thankful for them and we can't wait to be with them in Romania again! 

Furthermore, make sure to catch Ionel in our Christmas Hope Livestream on Tuesday, December 15th!  More details are below.

Watch Christmas Hope

This year, Christmas Hope looks different.  Because of restrictions, we can't travel to Romania to pass out the Back Sacks of Hope.  Instead, our local team in Romania, including Ionel, will pass them out for us and record the process! 

Join us on Tuesday, December 15th at 7 pm EST on the RTC Facebook Page to watch the gifts being distributed.  You'll also hear special Christmas songs from the children of House of Hope.  Be sure to tune in, as it will only be livestreamed once in order to protect the children in our care.  Afterwards, we'll hop on Zoom and you'll hear more from Andy Baker.

Click the button below to learn more and RSVP!