By Andy Baker
As January comes to a close, we are still getting reports from Romania about the good work that is being done because of your generosity at Christmas time. Covid-19 continues to disrupt our abilities to visit with people in a timely manner because of local government restrictions, but our team remains diligent and continues to do their best to get to everyone as they are able.
We received a request from our friends at House of Hope to send extra funding so they could be a part of blessing others in their community. Visits were arranged with orphan homes, families living in extreme poverty, and even several elderly that needed a little extra love and encouragement during this Christmas season.
Over the years, our ministry is never surprised when we have encounters with people at just the right time to bring hope into a hopeless situation. Our friends visited a village where there is no church presence, and Mihai shared the following story with me:
In a town where there is no church, we went for the first time with gifts this year. We came to a family where we were able to share the story of Christmas, and then we prayed with them. When we finished praying, the parents had tears in their eyes and asked us who we were, what church we were coming from, and where was it located. The joy I had was that the family came to one of the holiday services at our church. We also gave the parents a New Testament, and although the persecution from other local people is very high now, we keep in touch with them and would like to continue to help them learn as much as possible about the Lord Jesus.
I hope this story encourages you. Because through your gifts, and your prayers, our ministry colleagues were able to go on your behalf and share the hope of Christmas with a family who had yet to hear.
One of the Recipients of the Gifts
The Contents of the Gifts