Happy Thanksgiving from RTC

By Andy Baker

As we come into this Thanksgiving week, many of us may be approaching this day of gratitude with disappointment from the challenges of this year. I am reminded myself that this year will be different for my family as we navigate the pandemic and strive to remain diligent in staying safe and well. For me, Thanksgiving has always been a time of reflection for the blessings of the past year, and I am mindful that there have been many things to be grateful for over the last several months.

This year has forced me to be creative in staying in touch with my colleagues around the world.  In a world that was COVID-19 free, I had the opportunity to travel to our ministry locations and help give encouragement and direction to our partners.  These last several months have found me on the phone or in front of a computer hosting a video conference call. This has become the new normal for so many of us, but when I think about it, it is something to be grateful for.  Technology has seen incredible advancements over the last several years, and the way we are able to communicate with so many people through various electronic means is amazing. That is something to be thankful for. 

But as we approach this Thursday and I sit down to a wonderful meal with my wife, my mind will move to the people that I have missed so much over the last several months.  Mircea and Lidia Toca are dear and valued friends that have changed my life through their vision for helping the orphans of the world. Adi and Flori Galiger, Daniel and Claudia Bagosi, Florin and Nicoleta Mitra, Jonathan and Diana Moldovan, George and Lumi Boancas, and so many others who serve the church in Romania are my heroes.  I miss the times around the table with them, but I give thanks for their faithful service. All the house parents in Tanzania and how they are providing care for our children, I am grateful for their loving service. Mihai and Dana Micula are still recovering from Covid-19, but their hearts for the orphaned are inspiring and I give thanks for their vision and service.

Remember the Children has so many incredible people who are part of our team that serve on the frontlines courageously and with great faith carrying out the mission and vision of the ministry.  Then we have our valued supporters who partner with us through their time, talents, and treasure in being the life-stream for the daily needs of the children we serve. This Thanksgiving, I am not only grateful for the team I get to serve with every day. I am also grateful for the thousands of people who join us in making our mission and vision a reality.  This Thanksgiving, I am especially grateful for you!  Please know as my wife and I join hands this Thursday, we will be praying for you because you have helped us sustain the important work we do in an exceedingly difficult year.  

God bless you! Happy Thanksgiving!