Supporting the Church

By Natalie Barentson

Did you know that Remember the Children not only supports children but churches and pastors?  Two ministries RtC has in Romania are church planting and leadership development.  We believe the best place for children to learn about Jesus and be cared for is in the local church.  Therefore, we’re dedicated to creating and strengthening churches all around Romania.

One of the main ways we help churches is through leadership development. We walk alongside pastors and community leaders to give them the tools to succeed.  We help them lead their churches and communities using encouragement, prayer, and counsel.  We also host leadership conferences twice a year (when there aren’t COVID restrictions).  We teach church planting methods, discipleship tools, self-care practices, and more.  These pastors have gone on to plant churches, create community outreach programs, and spread the gospel in their neighborhoods.  

Executive Director Andy Baker with local Romanian Pastor Dani

Executive Director Andy Baker with local Romanian Pastor Dani

Furthermore, we worked alongside professionals to translate a Bible study curriculum into the Romanian language.  This curriculum teaches the themes and content of Scripture.  A helpful Bible study curriculum is hard to find in Romania, therefore we were blessed to translate one for our leaders.  Many are using this tool in their churches to inspire a love of Scripture within the Romanian people!

Lastly, we provide leadership seminars for the pastors and leaders we work with.  We cover topics such as healthy marriages, parenting, and relationship building.  All lessons are based on Biblical principles and are taught by trusted, skilled leaders such as therapists and pastors.

Therefore, when you give to Remember the Children, you not only support children, but their church!  We believe the church is the best place for kids, and we want to empower leaders to care for them well.  Thank you for your support of pastors all over the globe!