A Reflection on Tomorrow

Biserica Agape celebrated several baptisms over the last year and a half since the church was started by Pastor Dani Bagosi. Ale is one of the youth who was baptized just this past December. Since then, she has grown in her relationship with God by reading scripture, praying, and serving at the church. Ale especially uses her gifts of singing and writing to encourage others to follow Jesus. She recently wrote a reflection to the song "Only Jesus" by Casting Crowns which she gave us permission to share with you!

We run and run everyday through the life we ​​have. We run from one place to another working our whole brief life, equivalent to only about a century on earth. I will never be 15 years old after January 19, 2023, just like I could never be 10 years old again after January 19, 2018, just like I can never see Jesus with my eyes until THAT DAY, even though He was here, down on Earth, once before. 

Each second passes and cannot be held in place or brought back to life for the sake of a memory or the desire to correct that which produces regret. Yes, moments are ephemeral, but the consequences of each moment continue to remain. The only thing that is eternal, the only thing that will not change and will always exist, from the beginning till the end of time and space, is God. 

Our existence will dissipate like a lost vapor in the vast air of time, but it is God who remains from beginning to end. Running, we end up forgetting that tomorrow is not promised to us. So we delay. We procrastinate as if the next years belong to us. We collect more and more things, letting them constantly affect and guide us, moving our sights from ETERNITY to EPHEMERA. We neglect to wait and save up for eternity, deluding ourselves with the thought of the future that we still cannot master.

The life that really has value is the one laid down for Jesus. I will pass, but He will not. My life is precious when I leave it behind for Jesus. After a while, I will be forgotten, but every single thing about Him goes through generation after generation.

These thoughts were inspired by the verses of the song “Only Jesus” by Casting Crowns. The lyrics express so much depth for those who follow Jesus to understand:

Make it count, leave a mark, build a name for yourself,

Dream your dreams, chase your heart, above all else…

Make a name the world remembers…

But all an empty world can sell is empty dreams,

I got lost in the light when it was up to me,

To make a name the world remembers…

But Jesus is the only name to remember…

And I, I don’t want to leave a legacy,

I don’t care if they remember me…

Only Jesus!

And I, I’ve only got one life to live,

I’ll let every second point to Him…Only Jesus!

All the kingdoms built, all the trophies won

Will crumble into dust when it’s said and done

‘Cause all that really mattered…

Did I live the truth to the ones I love?

Was my life the proof that there is only One,

Whose name will last forever?

And I, I don’t want to leave a legacy,

I don’t care if they remember me…

Only Jesus!

And I, I’ve only got one life to live,

I’ll let every second point to Him…

Only Jesus!

Jesus is the only name…

Jesus is the only name…

Jesus is the only name to remember!