As we enter 2025, I am excited that our connection with people participating in short term service will be increasing. In April we have two teams going to serve, one with Agape Church and the other with the Eastern European Bible College. This summer, in partnership with CMF International, we will be hosting six summer interns for mission service. We also anticipate summer mission teams from Azusa-Pacific University and Northside Christian Church, Yorktown, Virginia. Our annual Christmas trip is already taking reservations, and we would welcome you to bring a group from your community to serve with us.
Dave and Candy Faust, from Indianapolis, Indiana, served with us in our outreach to the Ukrainian community that had come to Romania because of the war. Dave and Candy share the following:
We traveled with Andy and Gerri Baker to Romania in the spring of 2022, shortly after the war broke out between Russia and Ukraine. Throughout our time in Romania, we were welcomed with warm hospitality and Christian love. We came away deeply impressed by the great work being done by Remember the Children. We saw kids growing up in loving families filled with hope and faith. We saw churches preaching the gospel, refugees being housed and fed in Jesus’ name, and Christian leaders being educated and equipped. We are glad to be supporters of RTC and we encourage others to do the same.
Mission service can be transformative in your life, and the lives of those you serve. We invite you to consider how God might use you to invest in the lives of those who need to know his love. Would you consider joining us on a trip? The invitation has been extended.