There's No Place Like Home — Remember the Children

There's No Place Like Home

By Max Armes, RtC Board Member

We’re all probably aware of the famous line from the Wizard of Oz that says, “there’s no place like home”. Even when I go away for an exciting vacation, business trip, or just take a relaxing day trip, I’m always so glad to get home where I feel safe and comfortable, where I can relax and unwind, sleep in my own bed and be with family and loved ones. There I can truly rest. Home is definitely where the heart is!

Through working with Remember the Children, it has been impressed upon me how children who are orphaned do not have the comfort, safety, and love spoken of above. Many factors are responsible for why children are orphaned—be it abuse, abandonment, illness, or parental death—but whatever the cause, it is a great injustice that even one child does not know the love and security of a family. Deuteronomy 10:18 states that God executes justice for the fatherless and widows, loves them and provides food and clothing for them. This is the heart of God and so should it be for all of us who call ourselves Christians.

I’m so glad that through RtC I have been introduced to House of Hope in Romania, and to those who have so sacrificially provided stable homes for over 30 Romanian orphaned children. Now with the Ukrainian refugee crisis, many more orphans and homeless are crossing the border to safety and need the security of safe housing. House of Hope is continuing to attend to many of these needs and provide safe places where they too can one day say, “there’s no place like home.”

I’m so thankful to be a small part of this ministry, to be blessed to know many of these children and caregivers and to be a small part of their lives. Please consider how you can also be a vital part of providing hope to those inside Ukraine and who are fleeing the country, by visiting our Ukraine support page by clicking the button below.


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