Grace's Experience with RtC

By Andy Baker


This week, we had the opportunity to interview Grace Wohlwend, a longtime partner and volunteer for Remember the Children. She joined RtC on a mission trip through her university as an undergraduate. After graduation, Grace returned to Romania and did a summer internship. She is currently working on a master’s degree in counseling, working for a foster care and adoption agency, and plans to marry Jack McClain in April of 2022. She says that her summers serving with Remember the Children were the best summers of her life.

When asked why she chose to go to Romania on her first mission experience, she had the desire to go but was timid in following through. After speaking with friends and family, she realized that Romania would be a safe place for her, with challenges, but a country of beauty with a culture she desired to learn more about.

She was drawn to Remember the Children as well because she has always had an interest in adoption and foster care, and she thought this might be a good experience for her. In fact, she is working today for an agency serving in these areas because it remains a passion for her. She will admit to being nervous as she embarked on her time to serve with us, but she said that releasing her fear and trusting God in taking that first trip was one of the best decisions she ever made.

I asked her if she had a favorite memory of her time with Remember the Children, and she shared an experience she had in the village of Santandrei. She and a young girl were walking to the community playground, and as they went they were singing the words, “I love you” while holding hands. Grace recalled how seeing the joy in that child in that moment helped her experience God’s love more deeply.

Grace’s experience with Remember the Children helped her grow personally, helped her in relating to other people, and gave her confidence in working cross-culturally. Grace further replied, “just showing up and loving the children was truly transformative.”
“Remember the Children is a wonderful organization that prepared me well for ministry cross-culturally. When you give to Remember the Children, you can see how your gifts make a difference. They don’t just receive your gift, but they show you how it makes a difference in the lives of children. I know Remember the Children can use our prayers and our encouragement. Even the smallest of gifts can be of great help.”
Grace and her family are monthly partners with Remember the Children. We are grateful for their generosity.