Intern Diaries: Sophie Gardner

By Sophie Gardner, Azusa Pacific University


The very first village we visited is where I met this sweet girl! I saw her holding her hand with her mom and noticed how hesitant they were to come up to our team. I asked Danny, our translator, what her name was and immediately smiled and fell in love with the fact that we shared the name Sophia! I walked up to her and told her my name was also Sophia and she held out her arms to let me pick her up! The rest of the day she never left my side and every time I came back to her village she ran up to me! Ever since I first met her, a piece of my heart was with her and Romania. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about her and pray for a long and safe life for her and her family.

Are you interested in an experience similar to Sophie’s? Check out our opportunities for college students through our Global Gen Program!