COVID-19 Update: February 2022

Thank you for your support and patience over the last 2 years as Remember the Children navigates the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions that have incurred as a result. It’s been 2 years of flexibility, prayer, and gathering information to make the best decisions possible to protect our staff, volunteers, and children, as well as be wise financial stewards of your faithful gifts.

Our desire has always been to be a ministry of presence. We highly value spending quality time with the people we’re serving and we can’t wait to sit across from our friends, colleagues, and children in Romania and Tanzania someday soon. We also can’t wait to allow you to spend time with them as well.

That being said, the current mandates in Romania are:

  • A 5-day quarantine upon entry of the country regardless of vaccination status,

  • The community of Tetchea is currently a ‘red zone’, meaning people cannot go in or out of city lines because of rising COVID-19 cases,

  • And House of Hope is currently not allowing any outside visitors to protect the children in our care.

In addition, the mandates in Tanzania are:

  • Mandatory testing upon entry. If you test positive for COVID-19, you must be quarantined to a facility chosen by the government at your cost.

Because of these factors, our staff and board have decided our USA staff and volunteers will still not travel to Romania or Tanzania, and we will continue to not offer mission teams until further notice. The risk of getting our local teams and children sick and/or incurring high costs because of planned and unplanned quarantines is currently too high. In addition, restrictions vary from place to place and over time, making planning trips and teams almost impossible.  Lastly, there is the possibility of war to the north of Romania, therefore we do not want to risk the safety of our staff and volunteers.

We are so sad to not be in person with our ministries and mission teams, however, we are constantly monitoring the situation and are excited to go back when it is safe and financially feasible. In the meantime, we are still caring for children, churches, and villages, and taking advantage of the technology of video chat. Our local staff in Romania and Tanzania are incredibly hard-working and diligent, and they’re doing a great job running the ministries in our absence. Nothing has stopped!

We will continue to keep you updated as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. We can’t wait to be in person in Romania and Tanzania soon!