Prayers for the School Year

It’s mid-September, and that means the children in Romania and Tanzania have started the school year.  Like many of your children, this school year looks different because of COVID-19 guidelines and social distancing protocols.  Nonetheless, I know many of the kids are excited to be back in school and with their peers.

School in Romania will include half the children attending in the morning and half in the afternoon, all with masks. Sadly, they cannot socialize or do sports. And they will have to take all their supplies home each evening.  Thankfully, Remember the Children was able to provide school supplies for the children in both our orphan home and village ministries.  Check out the kids of Santandrei with their new school supplies in the picture below!


We all know this year will be different, so will you pray for the children with us?  Here are some specific items we’re praying for:

  • Health and safety for the kids, their teachers, and their communities

  • Students will be able to focus and learn well under the new guidelines.

  • Children won’t feel alone.

  • Strength for parents and teachers to lead the students during this difficult time.

  • Children and communities will continue to hear the Gospel.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.  You are making an impact in the lives of kids!