YOUR Impact During Covid-19

By Andy Baker

This year has been especially difficult as our ability to be on-site in Romania and Tanzania has been limited.  I am grateful I was able to visit Tanzania in late February and early March before the pandemic made travel plans difficult and now almost impossible. We continue to communicate overseas via ZOOM, phone calls, and text messages.  The stories of hope and life-change continue to happen daily, and we are doing our best to communicate those with you. 

But through it all, YOU, our partners, have continued to trust us as we lead from afar and you have helped us sustain our ministry.  You have also been extremely generous in helping us address specific needs that have arisen during the pandemic, and we are grateful that we continue to meet our budgetary needs and that we are able to help additionally with those who have been facing crisis situations.

Thank you so much for ALL that you are doing to help us fulfill OUR mission, and making lives better for the children with whom God has entrusted to our care.