Giving is Worship

Money is something we like to have around.  In our world, we are encouraged to measure success by our wealth. Investment institutions promise security if we just have enough for retirement.  People who accumulate significant wealth are often celebrated and admired.  

Individuals seek to accumulate wealth for security, for self-esteem, and for the admiration of others, but God has a very special reason for allowing people to accumulate wealth. In Romans 12: 1-13, Paul discussed the gifts of natural abilities that God has placed within humanity.  God allows people to accumulate wealth to fulfill a spiritual gift--the gift of giving.  

To the generous giver, Paul Wrote “You will be blessed in every way, and you will be able to keep on being generous. . .people will thank God. . .” (2 Corinthians 9:11, CEV

Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you.”  What greater security could we have than a God who supplies all our needs, according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus?  Who is admired more than people who use wealth to care for those in need? Who has more self-esteem than people who happily meet the needs of others?

A Call to Worship

When our love is not for money but for the Father who is the owner of all, we are on our way to a giving lifestyle.  We check our motives for accumulating wealth and ask God what He would have us do in our ministry of stewardship—we seek to make His priorities our own. 

This change in focus from the things of this world to fulfilling God’s will changes how we look at giving.  When we focus on the world, we often associate giving with sacrifice.  When we shift our vision, giving becomes an act of worship. 

This change in focus from accumulating for personal reasons, to accumulating to fulfill a gift of giving is powerful.  No longer does giving seem like sacrifice.  Instead, generosity becomes a joyful act of worship as we model the giving lifestyle of our heavenly Father.

With this biblical perspective, we see our security in almighty God.  We strive for others to admire Him because of our generosity.  We find a true place of self-worth as a generous follower of our most generous Lord.