When Jesus shared the story of the Good Samaritan, He was answering a legal expert’s question about the law that commanded them to love their neighbor (Lev. 19:18). Jesus wanted to make the point that the neighbors we are to love are not just the ones who are easy to love, but also those we may dislike.
Earn, Save, Give
Rendering to Caesar
You are no doubt familiar with the story in Matthew 22 where the Pharisees tried to trip Jesus up by asking him a loaded question, “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” Much is made of the issue in the discussion about taxes and religious institutions--but the original context is often lost.
Acting on the Master’s Behalf
As we develop a lifestyle of giving, we naturally focus on what we should give and how much. What about the other side of the equation--the receiving side? How do we determine which ministries to support? We are drawn to ministries that meet needs we care about, and we give in good faith, believing our gifts will be used wisely. When we decide to financially support an organization, we might think our job is done, but there is more to our responsibility as good stewards.