Christianity is about giving. John 3:16 begins “For God so loved the world, that he gave…” God gave. Through His generosity, we are given the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
From beginning to end in God’s Word, we read about how God constantly provides by giving us the earth, the land, the animals. He gives us families and has given life to entire nations. There is no escaping God’s generosity.
Being made in God’s image, we also give. In so doing we are leaving a legacy reflecting our faith.
Isaac Watts said it clearly in his hymn, “When I Survey the Wonderous Cross.” Overwhelmed by the redeeming sacrifice of Christ, Watts responds, “Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small; love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.”
We give for four reasons:
We give to worship.
We give to acknowledge that God is owner of all.
We give because there is need.
We give to further the Gospel.
We Give to Worship
The first mention of humanity worshiping in the Bible is in the story of Abraham. God told Abraham to take his son Isaac to the mountain and make of him, the promised child, a sacrifice. Scripturally, the term sacrifice is synonymous with giving. One must forfeit the item sacrificed.
When they arrived at the designated place, Abraham told his servants, “Stay here with the donkey, while my son and I go over there to worship” Genesis 22:4 (CEV). Abraham is acting in obedience to God. He knows what God is asking, and he moves ahead to give God what has been requested. This is an act of worship; Abraham’s response to complete submission to God’s will.
We can also give our gifts as an act of worship, demonstrating to God our faith in Him.
We Give to Acknowledge God is Owner of All
As Christians, we know that what God has given to us should be put to good use. He provides for our needs, and by giving, we demonstrate our trust that He will continue to do so. We are stewards on His behalf, using what He has given to do His work.
We Give Because There is Need
In the Old Testament, the tithe was used to care for the priests, strangers, widows, and orphans. Jesus says when we give to those who are in need, we give to Him. We are a part of the body of Christ and having the ability to help others financially is a spiritual gift. What joy there is found in helping others!
We Give to Spread the Gospel
We support our church, give to educational organizations, and support missionary efforts--all to bring hope to those who are lost and dying in this hurting world.
This is all God’s plan, and as you continue to develop your lifestyle of giving, God will continue to use you in exciting and rewarding ways.