It was December 2018 when our plane landed in Budapest. We were about to meet some of our team for the bus ride to Romania. How did I get to be 66 years old before I went on a mission trip?
Why Romania and Tanzania?
One of the most common questions I get when talking to people about Remember the Children is: “Romania and Tanzania? How’d you end up in those countries?” I always chuckle, because it's a fair question. As you know, the two countries are on two separate continents. In fact, they’re 3,660 miles apart. Each country has its specific strengths and needs. So how did RtC get to these two places?
Meet the Team: Natalie
Supporting the Church
Did you know that Remember the Children not only supports children but churches and pastors? Two ministries RtC has in Romania is church planting and leadership development. We believe the best place for children to learn about Jesus and be cared for is in the local church. Therefore, we’re dedicated to creating and strengthening churches all around Romania.