Bringing Hope

By Razvan Savu, RtC Ministry Partner

There are some things that are hard to describe in words—the kind of life some kids experience, the pain, the trauma, and the lack of basic necessities. But, most of all it’s hard to describe their hunger for love. Abandoned, neglected, rejected, or without parents at all, these kids look to you and crave something that every child should have from the day they are born: love, care, attention, compassion, and joy.

Since 2014, the year I met Andy, I have seen hundreds of Romanian kids experience the transformational love of an individual, family, or group, and I have watched what happens when they receive what their heart longs for. Though for many of them life is very hard and will continue to be for a long time, for a moment they have everything they need because someone holds their hand and tells them about Jesus.

I firmly believe that for many of these kids this is the only time someone shows them what it means to be part of a family. A smile breaks down language, social, and cultural barriers and brings a child’s heart close. God is using Remember the Children to bring hope, to help kids dream again, and to imagine that life can be different for them. And it’s all because they are being introduced to the Heavenly Father they so much need. For many, it’s a foreign concept because their earthly parents couldn’t or wouldn’t take care of them. Yet, learning to trust there is Someone who longs to show them love, to be with them, and never leave them—this is something they all want and need.

I believe God has literally saved lives through RtC in Romania over the years when many were starving or in great physical need. But most importantly, this ministry helps kids focus their eyes on Christ in the midst of their pain. There are many urgent physical needs in Romania and Tanzania, but there is an even greater spiritual need. RtC shines the Light of the Gospel in places that many Romanians intentionally avoid.

I am grateful to serve with them.