Making a Difference in Santandrei

By Daniel Bagosi, RtC Ministry Partner in Romania

Remember the Children has helped Gypsy children and teenagers from Santandrei in many ways, blessing them spiritually and physically. One way RtC makes an impact is by equipping children for school. RtC encourages parents to send their kids to school by providing needed school bags and supplies. Education allows them to find their role in society which changes the old mentality that Gypsies are uneducated and cannot get jobs. Along with these supplies, the children receive clothes and shoes. And when they get sick, if parents cannot purchase medicine, it is provided through RtC too.

Another way RtC supports children is through camp. Over the past three years, some of the children were selected to attend the Christian camp that they provide. Each year, children from Santandrei and Romania spend time together with the American college students who come to share love and the Gospel with them. The children's lives are impacted and transformed through being with people that love the Lord and accept them as they are. The American team also teaches them how they can grow, improve, and change.

There is no better example of this than Ana, a teenage girl from Santandrei who accepted Christ in the summer of 2018 during camp. She attends the vocational school regularly and is preparing to become a hairdresser. After camp, Ana started to share Jesus with her colleagues, and now she attends the fellowship meetings in the community every time she can. Ana is interested in listening to Christian music and is a lot more optimistic than she used to be. She has joy in her life! Along with her good friend, Geanina, Ana is going on a trip to Satu-Mare to spend time with the other Christian friends she made at camp. They will learn more about the Christian faith and life. Ana found purpose in her life and now has determination to live a different life with the Lord. All of the activities provided by RtC and the help she received from them has made this life change possible. We praise the Lord for the great impact that Remember the Children has had in Romania through all their efforts to change lives and transform communities.