Christmas Team Update

By Andy Baker

Originally published on December 15, 2019

Tonight, Team Christmas Hope had the privilege to deliver Sacks of Hope to the community of Tetchea where our dear friends, Dorin and Dorina Popa, serve. The kids sang Joy to the World in Romanian to us, and we then sang it in English back to them. We then did the same with the fun holiday song, Jingle Bells. Following the singing, I told the Christmas story asking questions along the way, which the children answered quickly.

Andy and Gerri Baker with the Popa's and members of the community

Andy and Gerri Baker with the Popa's and members of the community

After the time of music and devotion, we gathered with the children and helped them make angel ornaments for the tree.  When we were finished, I teased and I asked them if they were grateful for their gift this year (inferring that the ornament was their gift).  They all said, "yes." Once again as I am coming to find, they don't care so much about the gift as much as they care about being with us. After my slight bit of teasing, we did deliver the Sacks of Hope to many smiling faces. 

To end the evening, we went down to the Stoica property where Remember the Children is building a house for this amazing family. They truly are in need, and when this home is completed they will live in a place with far superior conditions. We took many pictures with this family, and them Monica and I both prayed a blessing over the house.

I'm personally grateful for the Stoica house, and how we can bring a significant impact to the lives of families through our partners. I'm grateful to everyone who has played a role in this building.