Mission Trips, COVID, & A Fun Event!

By Andy Baker

Every year I have had the privilege to lead teams on mission experiences in Romania and in more recent years we have held teaching and medical trips to Tanzania. These experiences are always a highlight for me as I love watching people encounter new opportunities for growth in their personal life but to also bring valued relationships to the people we serve. Remember the Children would not exist as a ministry if I had not taken that bold step and travelled to Romania in the mid 1990’s. Since being challenged to “remember the children” by Mircea Toca, we have invited countless people to join us across the world to bring hope through life transformation found through faith in Jesus Christ.  As I began counting the various teams through the years, it was overwhelming to me to see that over 1500 individuals have partnered with Remember the Children over the last twenty years.

It has been disheartening to have to cancel four teams this year with the looming possibility of having to cancel our immensely popular Christmas trip this December. I cannot begin to tell you how discouraged our ministry partners in Romania and Tanzania have been during this pandemic. I receive weekly messages from Romania and Tanzania as they long for our return.  I do not know if mission teams fully realize how much their presence does for the encouragement of our partners serving in our ministry fields.  The daily work is long and tiring, and quite honestly when we arrive and visit, work alongside them, and bring needed supplies we lift their spirits for the days after our departure.

Natalie and I have been talking this past week about how to bring the ministry from Romania and Tanzania to you.  We will be meeting next week to plan a Facebook “LIVE” event, where we will bring our team members to you via video for an evening of fun, prayer, worship, and updates.  Please stay engaged with us and once we have these final plans in place, we will set the date and time and let you know.  Please know because of time differences, we will have to record most of it, but I will host the event and be online to answer all your questions. See you soon!