The Christmas bags and gifts you provided have been passed out in Romania and Tanzania! Thank you so much for providing hope for 600 children this year. You truly brought a smile to their face and sweet memories that will last a lifetime.
Give the Gift of HOPE this Christmas
For children living in orphanages or poor communities in Romania, getting basic needs met can be a challenge. They may lack clothing to keep them warm in the cold Romania winters. Or, school may be a challenge because they don’t have the necessary supplies to be successful. Without their basic needs met, Christmas can be a bleak season for these kids.
"What I Really Want for Christmas"
This week, I reviewed the Christmas card we are sending to our partners to invite them to join us in providing Christmas for the children in Romania and Tanzania. This time of year always builds excitement in me because it is by far my favorite annual outreach that Remember the Children does. So many stories could be told of the many meaningful engagements we have had with young people over the years as we have shared Christmas with them.
Back to School in Romania!
The Reality of Orphans in Romania
You're Preventing Human Trafficking
I recently had someone ask me when I have felt most afraid in my time serving overseas. I think some of my greatest fears and times of exercising deep prayer have been on turbulent flights across the Atlantic. In all sincerity, I thin the times I should have felt fear, I have been too entrenched in the moment to allow any emotion to overcome me.
IMPACT in Oradea, Romania
Teaching Marriage Seminars
The Power of a Cup of Coffee
In 2014, RtC founder Andy Baker was in Romania with a mission team. One of the team members, Katrina, brought water purification devices for the Roma villages in Santandrei. Some of the residents were getting worms because they were drinking contaminated water, therefore the devices seemed like a great way to bless the communities.