Ever since I first met her, a piece of my heart was with her and Romania. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about her and pray for a long and safe life for her and her family.
My Story of Sponsorship
From the Field: Sponsorship Edition
When I found out that I was going to Romania this summer I was excited and expectant to see the Lord reveal Himself in new ways and to hear His voice in a new way. I never thought that these new ways would be the Lord blessing me and truly understood what it means for God to work and show up in mysterious ways.
From the Field: Grace Wohlwend
We have the unique opportunity on this trip to provide a respite for these kids, but more importantly give them hope. The kids in these villages are, from our cultural view, not treated well at all. From their cultural view, they do not know any other kind of life. Despite the incredibly hard things that happen to them they still smile easily, and they just want love (which every human being needs and wants).